JET Workshop


Workshop on Testing the Soil Erodibility with JET

June 8-9, 2015 (Mon-Tue) @ Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Overview: A submerged jet erosion test (JET) is a standardized method for deriving two erodibility parameters of cohesive soils, erodibility coefficient and critical shear stress, in a laboratory setting or in situ in a field, which can be used to estimate the erosion rates of cohesive streambanks or cultivated croplands. The method is based upon measuring the scour depth in a soil produced by impinging jet shooting from the JET apparatus.

Purpose: The workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the JET, study different methods for deriving erodibility parameters, and receive a hands-on training of working with JET apparatus in a lab and out in a field. The workshop will also provide a unique opportunity to visit the Konza Prairie Biological Station, a 3,487-hectare preserve of native tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills of northeastern Kansas, and conduct JET tests on streambanks of Campus Creek located in the heart of Manhattan Campus.

June 8, 2015, Monday – BAE Seaton 134

1:00 – 1:15 Welcome Dr. Aleksey Sheshukov, KSU
1:15 – 1:45 History and overview of JET studies Dr. Garey Fox, OSU
1:45 – 2:30 Methods to derive erodibility parameters with JET Dr. Erin Daly, ABAC
2:30 – 3:15 JET spreadsheet tool Dr. Erin Daly, ABAC
3:15 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 4:00 Simulating JETs Dr. Aleksey Sheshukov, KSU
4:00 – 4:15 Influence of pressure head on JET results Mr. Anish Khanal, OSU
4:15 – 4:30 Watershed scale variability of JETs at Fort Cobb Ms. Holly Enlow, OSU
4:30 – 4:45 Tour of BAE facilities
4:45 – 6:00 JET demonstration in BAE lab/workshop area Dr. Aleksey Sheshukov, KSU
6:30 – 9:00 Dinner and picnic at Tuttle Creek State Park

June 9, 2015, Tuesday

9:00 – 12:00 JET testing at Campus Creek Ms. Holly Enlow, OSU
Mr. Vladimir Karimov, KSU
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch on your own
1:00 – 3:00 Tour of Konza Prairie Biological Station Dr. Trisha Moore, KSU
3:00 – 3:15 Closing comments


The workshop gathered 25 students, faculty and staff from five universities (Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, University of Illinois, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, University of Kansas) and featured presentations by Drs. Garey Fox and Erin Daly, JET demo training at BAE, picnic and a friendly volleyball game at Tuttle Creek State Park, JETs on the banks of Campus creek, and a tour of the Konza Prairie Biological Station.

Supplemental materials

Publications on JET

  1. Hanson, G.J., K.M. Robinson, D.M. Temple. 1990. Pressure and stress distributions due to a submerged impinging jet test. Hydraulic Engineering .
  2. Hanson, G. J., and K. R. Cook. 1997. Development of excess shear stress parameters for circular jet testing. ASAE Paper No. 972227. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
  3. Hanson, G. J., and K. R. Cook. 2004. Apparatus, test procedures, and analytical methods to measure soil erodibility in situ. Applied Eng. in Agric. 20(4): 455-462.
  4. Hanson, G. J., and S. L. Hunt. 2007. Lessons learned using laboratory jet method to measure soil erodibility of compaction soils. Applied Eng. in Agric. 23(3): 305-312.
  5. Al-Madhhachi, A. T., G. J. Hanson, G. A. Fox, A. K. Tyagi, and R. Bulut. 2013. Measuring soil erodibility using a laboratory “mini” JET. Trans. ASABE 56(3): 901-910.
  6. Daly, E.R., G. A. Fox, A. T. Al-Madhhachi, R. B. Miller. 2013. A scour depth approach for deriving erodibility parameters from jet erosion tests. Trans. ASABE. 56(6): 1343-1351.

JET documents

  1. OSU JET webpage
  2. JET overview factsheet
  3. JET calibration factsheet
  4. JET spreadsheet can be available by contacting Dr. Erin Daly or Dr. Garey Fox



Check the Flickr album for more pictures.

JET group picture

The workshop was supported in part by the Biological & Agricultural Engineering department, and USDA-NIFA under Agreement No. 2011-51130-31128.